


The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)



Experimental studies in animals have demonstrated that toluene diisocyanate (TDI) is a carcinogen. When rats and mice were exposed orally to commercial-grade TDI (an 80:20 mixture of 2,4- and 2,6-TDI), tumors were induced in both species. The systemic nature of TDI carcinogenicity was demonstrated by the appearance of tumors at multiple sites (pancreas, liver, skin, mammary glands, and circulatory system). Although not statistically significant, rare brain tumors were found in rats exposed to TDI (two gliomas and one pinealoma). Historical controls have a low incidence of gliomas and no reported incidence of pinealomas.

Experimental studies in animals have also demonstrated that 2,4-toluenediamine (TDA), a hydrolysis product of 2,4-TDI, is a carcinogen. When rats and mice were exposed orally to TDA, tumors were induced in the livers, skin, and mammary glands of both species. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) concludes that the data on carcinogenicity provide sufficient evidence to warrant concern about the potential consequences of occupational exposure to TDI and TDA. The tumorigenic responses observed in both rats and mice treated with either TDI or TDA meet the criteria of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Cancer Policy for classifying a substance as a potential occupational carcinogen [29 CFR 1990]. Although the carcinogenic potential of the other TDI and TDA isomers has not been adequately determined, exposure to all TDI and TDA isomers should be reduced. NIOSH therefore recommends that all the isomers of TDI and TDA be regarded as potential occupational carcinogens and that occupational exposures to TDI and TDA be limited to the lowest feasible concentrations. The potential for TDI- or TDA-induced cancer in humans has not been determined, but the risk of developing cancer should be decreased by reducing exposure to TDI and TDA in the workplace.
動物の実験的研究は、2,4-toluenediamine(TDA)(2,4-TDIの加水分解製品)が発がん物質であることをも証明しました。ネズミとマウスが口でTDAにさらされたとき、腫瘍は両方の種の肝臓、皮膚と乳腺で誘発されました。国立職業保安・健康協会(NIOSH)は、発癌性に関するデータがTDIとTDAへの職業的な露出の潜在的結果に対する懸念を正当化する十分な証拠を提供すると結論します。TDIかTDAで扱われるネズミとマウスで観察される腫瘍形成性の反応は、物質を潜在的職業的な発がん物質[29のCFR 1990]と分類するために、職業安全衛生管理局(OSHA)蟹座方針の基準を満たします。他のTDIとTDA異性体の発癌の可能性が十分に決定されなかったが、すべてのTDIとTDA異性体への暴露は減らされなければなりません。したがって、NIOSHはTDIのすべての異性体とTDAが潜在的職業的な発がん物質とTDIとTDAへのその職業的な露出時間と考えられているよう勧めます。そして、最も低い可能な集中に限られていてください。人間のTDIまたはTDAによって誘発されたガンへの可能性は決定されませんでした、しかし、ガンになる危険は職場で露出をTDIとTDAに下げることによって減少しなければなりません。

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